Graphic Design


Graphic Design Vision

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Revision Provisions

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What is Graphic Design?

Graphic communication is the process of designing primarily visual material to convey information, ideas, meaning and emotions in response to a brief. You will cover and learn how to create from a variety of different graphic design areas including: communication graphics, design for print, advertising and branding, illustration, typography, multimedia, printmaking, digital photography, drawing skills and digital working methods such as photoshop.

Who might enjoy this course?

Creative and hands on students that like engaging with how we communicate through visual design. Students who are not afraid to experiment and can commit to producing good quality coursework.


Creating and making, problem solving, iterative designing, communicating through visuals, idea generating, observing, responding and critical reflection. Plus many hands-on skills such as photoshop, drawing, printmaking, photography and typography design.

What about exams? What will I study?

The GCSE is divided into two components; Component 1 is your portfolio of work which makes up 60% of your overall grade and Component 2 which is your external assignment responding to a brief; this makes up 40% of your overall grade. Component 1 will allow you to build skills and knowledge in the different areas of Graphic Design which you then apply in Component 2 in order to fulfil the brief.


You will undertake a 2 day (10 hours) practical exam where you will complete a final piece you have work towards in Component 2

What could I do next with GCSE Graphic Design?

Further education would lead to A-Level Graphic Design, Level 3 Graphic Design (or Art and Design) courses or the apprenticeship route with a design agency. This course would develop skills leading to many industries such as; graphic design, web design, UX/UI design, advertising, marketing and branding, games design and many more…