
“To understand the Universe, you must understand the language in which it’s written, the language of Mathematics.” Galileo Galilei

Maths Vision


We aim to give students the mathematical and problem solving skills with which they can thrive academically and function successfully in their home community and working environment. We feel particularly responsible to ensure that students have a good financial understanding to support their adult life responsibilities.

We aim to create the very best Mathematicians. It is our intention to challenge students to think, act and speak like those working in the field would. We do this by quality first teaching which ensures students understand underlying Mathematical principles and can apply them in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts. (Self-awareness)

In KS3, we have created an ‘awe and wonder’ curriculum with the aim of students learning through Mathematics. The Department aims to provide all students with a rewarding and enjoyable experience through discovery and problem solving. Teaching supports this and ensures understanding and misconceptions are addressed.


The mathematics department implements this through a carefully planned curriculum based on a five year progression model in Key Stages 3 and 4.

The curriculum builds year on year ensuring students have a secure understanding before moving to the next topic. It ensures a broad base of subjects are taught across 3 years. Year 7 is taught in mixed ability classes.

Teachers are then supported by each other to deliver high quality lessons where learning is embedded and sequential to facilitate long term retention

Regular assessments of knowledge, skills and application identifies priorities for intervention and future delivery, and encourages students to reflect on their progress.

Collaborative curriculum planning lies at the heart of what we do in the department. We are committed to a three-year plan of developing our schemes of work. Currently, we are working on KS3 schemes of work. These are focussed on embedding challenge, metacognition, memory techniques and literacy into our departmental curriculum

In Mathematics we also implement our curriculum through using a variety of teaching approaches such as treasure hunts, relay tasks, competitive activities and problem solving as well as more traditional skills practice and skill checkers. Key skills and knowledge are constantly revisited, and key terminology is regularly embedded within lessons and in the written work that our students produce. Students are challenged to build on fundamental concepts by structured extension activities.

Revision Provisions

  • Revisions here

What is Maths?

You have to study Using and Applying Mathematics, Number and Algebra, Shape and Space and Handling Data. You will investigate the application of these in real life contexts and look for interconnecting patterns between them. You will strengthen your numeracy, calculating skills and mathematical thinking as you understand better how mathematics is a present reality in all daily life.

Who might enjoy this course?

There is a satisfaction that only Mathematics can give, particularly when you have worked hard to understand a topic that you initially found difficult! You are required to take this course because a solid understanding of the subject will not only help prepare you for later life but will also be highly valued by potential employers.


Resilience, critical thinking, problem solving, analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning and time management skills.

What about exams? What will I study?

Students follow the Edexcel GCSE course in Mathematics. There are 2 tiers of Mathematics, Higher and Foundation. Both tiers will be assessed at the end of the course through 3 exam papers.

What could I do next with GCSE maths?

A high grade in GCSE will entitle you to continue Mathematics into AS and A2 where you will deepen and enrich your understanding of the subject.

Most employers have a high regard for Mathematics and there is a similarly high regard for the subject in Post-16 study.