Wellbeing & Safety

Alde Valley Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. Safeguarding is a priority within the Academy and we aim to provide a safe and welcoming environment which is underpinned by a culture of openness where both children and adults feel secure. They are able to raise concerns and believe they are being listened to, with appropriate action taken to keep them safe. As part of the Academy's safeguarding policy, our children are taught to understand and manage risk to keep themselves safe within all aspects of their community.

The safeguarding team at Alde Valley Academy are:

Mr Michael Connell-Smith
Assistant Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Andrea Betts

Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Robert Battle
Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Libby Isaac
Assistant Headteacher
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead

The Designated safeguarding team is also supported by our heads of year Mrs DeBelgeonne, Mrs Clarke and Miss Hostler (Year 7), Mrs Dawes (Year 8), Mr Moscovici (Year 9) and Mr Webb (Year 10).

If you have any concerns regarding the wellbeing and safety of your child or a child at Alde Valley Academy please contact the school to discuss these concerns and how we can support you and your child moving forward. If these concerns require urgent, emergency care please call 999.

What we do to safeguard students at Alde Valley Academy:

Pastoral support:

Clear expectations and action to maintain a safe environment:

Educating students:

Safety and Security on site:

The above list is not exhaustive but intends to give an overview of the safeguarding measures we have in place at Alde Valley Academy. Further details can be found in the Academy's policies section of the website. Here you will find policies linked to safeguarding, such as: Safeguarding and Child Protection, Online Safety and RSE.

Early Help

At Alde Valley Academy we offer a range of early help strategies to support our students and families, promoting the welfare and safety of all our young people. By identifying emerging problems, sharing information with other professionals and targeting assessed need, we aim to react early rather than later. With this support in place we aim to improve the positive outcomes of our young people and families.

You will find our Early Help offer in the document below.


To support with the education of safeguarding issues, students at Alde Valley Academy are delivered a PSHE curriculum which includes Relationships and Sex Education. Key Stage 3 have a fortnightly lesson and Key Stage 4 have PSHE days where they come off their usual timetable for the day.

You will find the PSHE overview in the document below. We use some external agencies to deliver specific aspects of the curriculum so the content order may vary slightly based on their availability.

For further information regarding the RSE curriculum and the right to request a student being withdrawn from the sex education aspect, please refer to the Academy's RSE policy.